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How It All Began

If I would have told you that I wanted to become a geography and art teacher prior getting into graphic design you might have told me that "you got way off from that." With all seriousness, I imagined myself becoming a teacher, teaching students about the natural world, space and just opening their eyes up to see the greater picture about our World... Well, this path quickly faded away when I happened to hold a camera in my hand. No, not a DSLR, not at all... after all it was about 20+ years ago. It was one of those big, chunky cameras that you've had to insert a VHS tape (yes, you read that right) and record everything looking through a lens and carrying the quite heavy equipment on your shoulder.... yeah, I'm old. :)

When I left school and got my first job as a graphic designer, I loved everything about it. I've had a big office, a few printer and a sense of freedom that I've enjoyed very much. Creating things on the computer was always something I've enjoyed. My work from the very beginning aside corporate work, was creating Star Trek themed artworks just for fun and it was indeed fun. Creating for myself was never a problem, until my critical self came by and started pushing me to redesign my work every time I though I finished one. Some people would say that it's a weakness, but I think it helped me to aim for more and evolve as a designer.

Professionally as well, I've had to challenge myself as well. I've had the fortunate to work with smaller and bigger clients over the years, helping them reaching their goals with branding and design ideas. I'm really proud that I was able to do good work before and I own my 17 years old self who kept practicing and reaching for bigger things. I think without that person I would not be able to be here, on the beginning on my freelance career, launching a business and getting my message out to the world. The message that kept me going and always kept me craving for more... "be your best self."

So, Why Freelancing?

Freelancing is definitely something I was looking to transition towards. I've never really had the courage until recently, around mid 2019. I was always afraid that I am not good enough, or the fact I was never awarded by any institution, never won any price for a design project will set me back on reaching for my goals. Not to mention when you look at the creative market that is full of very talented and creative people. In some occasion I was thinking that why do I even think about this when the market is saturated, there are design studios everywhere or even freelance work sites. Why would I start this crazy business idea? Why would I start freelancing at all?

I think the main reason behind every decision comes from within. Starting your own gig should not be something that you have to prove to others, it's something that you've should do for yourself, for your own personal growth. When I've started my YouTube channel Trekkerprise, I've had no desire to do it because of fame. I just wanted to make videos and having fun. Creating a channel and connecting with people was a great way to prove it to myself, that "hey, I can do this." Freelancing is almost the same thing for me. I want to put myself out there, I want to be visible and even if I will not get any interaction I know that deep down I will be satisfied with this because I did it. I tried getting my voice out there, being hones about it and just having fun along the way, where ever it will guide me and for how long.

Rocktiger Design is a promise for myself, for my wife and for that 17 years old kids who did not give up and pushed himself to become better than he was. And his biggest journey is just beginning...

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